- Bretta
Caring About...Matters
Pictures capture a moment in time but also eventually are something that represents the life of someone who has passed. Memories remind us of so much more. Finishing the first part of the title of this blog will be different for each person reading this. Caring about people and things matters because it impacts us and/or others personally and emotionally.
Although corny, the saying "Every day is a gift that is why it is called the "present” conveys a good point. We can choose to make the most of every day in our relationships and in the way we personally live life. It is also a choice to look for the good in and value the relationships we have with others.
A struggle with different (life and people change) can unite but can also definitely separate and even isolate. We should never be the same as we grow, change, and learn. Different isn’t necessarily negative, embracing change is sometimes how we show we care.
We cannot return to past events nor can we actually change history. Mentally, reliving things through memories can be difficult. Closing the door on the past (thoughts, actions, and events) is a process. Difficult experiences (present and past), we face individually, as communities, and in regards to relationships, can help us realize intentionally, learn better, and empathize personally. We can continue to change our relationships and the future as we choose to care more.
Choosing to never be the same once we learn what better is, is not always easy or even necessarily a one-time choice. We process things over time and change (thoughts and actions) takes time. It can also take even longer for the heart (how we feel) to catch up with logical decisions we correctly make.
Sometimes we will need to choose to do the right thing and allow our feelings to change in time. Our feelings of grief, loss and eventually happiness and joy about our choices and decisions may come much later as we reach a new normal in life.
A person’s life and a communities history is made up of a lot of choices and events over time that are eventually defined later by the moments that people remember. The way we show we care is usually a part of the moments that people remember long-term.
The saying, “People don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care”, puts caring into personal perspective. Caring requires us to move beyond self and engage and embrace others and even life itself. How we relate to and treat others impacts emotional feelings and relationships not just in a moment but over time.
Emotional feelings also impact relationship investment. It can be hard if not impossible to keep emotionally investing when defeat “feels” imminent. Caring is an investment that sometimes requires sacrifice.
Caring in various ways and at important moments can help change negative feelings. Caring isn’t just a one-time effort, it lasts as relationships continue to change and grow. Acts that demonstrate that we care about one another strengthen feelings of emotional support and personal relationships.
Visit RealLifeRelationships.org to learn more about caring through love. You can also purchase self-guided course books Loving Yourself, Loving Others, Reconciilng Through Love and the book Love Forever written by Bretta Durham through our website or on Amazon.